Technology in teaching Law Degree. Faculty of Law Mazatlan's teacher's perceptions


  • Emma-Alicia Padilla-Ramírez Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
  • Martín Moncada-Estrada Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
  • Aníbal Zaldívar-Colado Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
  • Sergio Lavín-Zatarain Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa



Teachers, Technologies, Teaching, Law Degree


As the legal profession begins to implement digital technology in the management of its services, more educational institutions that offer bachelor's degrees related to criminal sciences, such as Law, have included instruction with technology in their plans and study programs. The perspective of more lawyers with experience in digital tools is an advantage in offering legal services. New technologies, including the Internet, Web 2.0, multimedia, and social media, provide learning, teaching, and research opportunities for legal educators and students. In addition, they potentially streamline collaborations, sharing, and gathering information and feedback on relevant and essential topics. The benefits of computer-assisted instruction in legal education include a systematic approach, transparency, accountability, and innovative ways of communicating ideas through text and images. This paper aims to describe and analyze the use of digital technologies by teachers of the Law Degree of the Mazatlán Law School, of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, in Mexico, in legal education. For this research, with a quantitative approach of a descriptive-cross-sectional method, a survey designed with 24 items in 3 categories, self-completed by 62 teachers, was applied. Among the main results, it was found that most study subjects consider the use of IT in the classroom necessary, but very few claims to have extensive knowledge of this technology.



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How to Cite

Padilla-Ramírez, E.-A., Moncada-Estrada, M., Zaldívar-Colado, A., & Lavín-Zatarain, S. (2023). Technology in teaching Law Degree. Faculty of Law Mazatlan’s teacher’s perceptions. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 11(23), 22–27.




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