Education 4.0 in the university context. A systematic literature review




Education 4.0, Systematic Review, Higher Education


Education 4.0 represents an emerging paradigm in higher education, oriented toward technological innovation and the integration of advanced digital tools, with the aim of transforming teaching and learning models. This study presents a systematic review of scientific literature published between 2020 and 2023, analyzing the challenges, advances, and opportunities involved in the adoption of Education 4.0 in universities. The methodology used consisted of a systematic review that employed search strings across multiple academic databases, applying specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. Research exploring innovative pedagogical practices was reviewed, considering each work’s contribution to advancing the field. The results highlight those reforms in higher education, supported by governmental policies, are key to implementing this new paradigm. The incorporation of disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual laboratories into educational plans is identified as an opportunity to enhance the quality of education and personalize teaching according to students’ needs. However, continuous teacher training is also required to ensure the effective integration of these tools.


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How to Cite

García Sánchez, O. V., & Lavin Zatarain, S. (2024). Education 4.0 in the university context. A systematic literature review. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 12(26), 94–107.