Usage and perception of ChatGPT in higher education




ChatGPT, Higher Education, Artificial Intelligence


This article aims to analyze higher education students' management and perception regarding using ChatGPT in their academic activities. To accomplish this, a descriptive study with a qualitative approach was employed to analyze the data obtained through a questionnaire administered to students from various majors at the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. The instrument consisted of two sections with closed-ended questions and a Likert scale to measure the learners' perception. The results revealed that a minority of the respondents (33%) had used ChatGPT in their school practices. Additionally, it was found that a significant proportion (75%) did not consider the use of this tool suitable for their educational tasks, and a similar percentage (79%) did not perceive improvements in their research and data analysis skills. A low dependence on using this tool for school assignments was observed (4%), along with a lack of confidence in teachers' preparedness to effectively incorporate this technology into their classes (83%). In conclusion, educational institutions are recommended to carefully consider integrating artificial intelligence tools in didactic exercises, taking into account the concerns expressed by the students.


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How to Cite

García Sánchez, O. V. (2023). Usage and perception of ChatGPT in higher education. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 11(23), 98–107.


