The human right to the family and the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone in Mexico, towards its respect for the safeguarding of fundamental rights: Mazatlán Sinaloa case.




ZOFEMAT, Family, Construction, Human Right, Regulation, GNSS, Image Processing


The human right to the family was analyzed as a motor right or facilitator of other human rights such as recreation and healthy recreation, as well as the best interests of the minor established in international treaties and in the Magna Carta, whose compliance must be guaranteed by the State. , which can be violated by human activity such as the construction industry in the federal beach zone, particularly in the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone, regulated by the General Law of National Assets and the Regulations for the Use and Exploitation of the Territorial Sea, Waterways, Beaches, Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone and Land Reclaimed from the Sea. Through field work with the realization of various studies and the appropriate methodology by the science of Civil Engineering with a topobatrimetric and photogrammetric survey with due information processing, it was shown that in the municipality of Mazatlán, particularly Punta Camarón-Punta Sábalo beach in the coastal zone, all the constructions of the hotel, restaurant or residence branch violate the laws that delimit the federal zone, limiting access and its time reducing the beach area, violating the aforementioned human and fundamental rights.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Calderón, P. A., & Aguilar Calderón, P. A. (2023). The human right to the family and the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone in Mexico, towards its respect for the safeguarding of fundamental rights: Mazatlán Sinaloa case. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 11(24), 28–36.