
  • Jesús Adolfo Rodelo Moreno Universidad del Pacífico Norte
  • Jorge Lizárraga Reyes Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa



Social Networks, Correlation Coefficient, Academic Performance, Higher Education


Web 2.0 and the services it offers dominate society with access to WWW. Its implementation in teaching could be increasing, but it is not so. Therefore, the objective of this research is to determine the existing correlation between the use of social networks (RS) and the learning of university students. Quantitative, descriptive study-correlational, under the assumption that there is a close link between the use of RS and learning at the top level. 152 University students were surveyed, the analysis and processing of the data collected resulted in a strong correlation between the RS, when they are used as support in their studies, and academic performance (r= 0.78): reaching values close to 1 (0.91) in the correlation with the variable time that passes in RS (support for learning) and their grades. Implementation of RS by upper level students should be focused on facilitating their academic tasks, teachers have to consider their use as support in the teaching-learning process.


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How to Cite

Rodelo Moreno, J. A., & Lizárraga Reyes, J. (2018). CORRELATION OF THE USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS WITH THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF UPPER LEVEL STUDENTS. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 6(12), 62–67.

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