Study of the frequency response of electrical impedance in radial mode in PZT-4 piezoelectric rings with fractures




Piezoelectric Rings, Radial Mode, Ansys Mechanical, Piezoelectric Ceramic PZT-4


Power ultrasonic transducers in industrial applications typically use Langevin-type transducers with PZT-4 piezoelectric rings. These piezoelectric rings are subjected to mechanical vibrations that fracture them. This paper describes a study of the radial mode frequency responses of fractures in piezoelectric ring-shaped elements. Four PZT-4 piezoelectric rings were used for this study. Ring 1 was preserved complete without alterations and the other 3 rings had slots of 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 mm, respectively. Simulations were performed using Ansys Mechanical software, as well as the corresponding impedance measurements. A function generator, a digital oscilloscope and an analog circuit were used for the measurements. As a result, impedance plots of the simulations and of the measurements performed in a frequency range from 20 to 60 kHz are presented finding similar responses between simulations and measurements, it is observed in the graphs that the difference in the responses is evident, between rings with slots with respect to the ring without alterations. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that it is possible to detect if a piezoelectric ring has fractured.

Author Biographies

MArtin Fuentes Cruz, IIMAS UNAM

Lines of research and working groups.
Ultrasonic Imaging.
Research, study, development and implementation of technological developments in electronic devices associated with high-resolution ultrasonic imaging.
Modelling, design, construction and characterisation of ultrasonic transducers.
In this line there is a wide variety of aspects to consider, for example when designing we must take into account the active materials, which can be piezoelectric ceramics or polymers, the operating frequencies and the form of excitation are relevant in the design of the circuits associated with the transducers, for this reason when modelling a transducer the best model available for the application must be taken into account and in extreme cases it is necessary to develop the specific electronic circuitry for the sensor under test.
Signal and image processing.
I am currently collaborating in two lines of research in the field of ultrasonic applications of DISCA.
Fields of Expertise
Seismological instrumentation.
Oceanographic instrumentation.
Switch Mode Power Supplies.
Data Acquisition Systems.
Meteorological Instrumentation and Atmospheric Monitoring.
Ultrasonic, Medical and Industrial Instrumentation.

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Pedro Acevedo contla, IIMAS UNAM

Research, study, development and implementation of high-performance algorithms that help to simplify, adapt and optimise techniques for high-resolution ultrasonic imaging.

Modelling, design, construction and characterisation of ultrasonic transducers.

In this line there is a great variety of aspects to consider, for example when designing we must take into account the different materials that exist both as active and passive elements, the active materials can be crystals or piezoelectric ceramics or they can also be polymers or a combination of these and are called composite materials. When modelling a transducer, the best available model for the application must be taken into account and in extreme cases it is necessary to develop ad-hoc models. In terms of construction, this becomes practically handcrafted, as the construction of each transducer requires a great deal of experience.

Signal and image processing.

Parametric and non-parametric methods of spectral estimation are studied and developed for various signals and applications, e.g. ultrasound Doppler signals with application in blood flow analysis to improve the preventive diagnosis of vascular ailments and the design and implementation of experimental systems for
temperature estimation based on the measurement of ultrasonic signals.

Fabian Garcia Nocetti, IIMAS UNAM

In the area of signal and image processing, work is being done on the research and development of methods for spectral estimation of ultrasound Doppler signals, with application in blood flow analysis, to assess the quality of implants in cardiovascular surgery. In particular in the design of algorithms based on time-frequency transforms. Work was carried out on the optimisation of the functionality of the human/machine interface of the Bidirectional Doppler System for coronary revascularisation surgery, with the collaboration of cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons, as well as on the analysis of the acquired Doppler blood flow signals. These activities were carried out in the framework of the DGAPA project (PAPIIT-IT101316). ‘Research and Development of Digital Ultrasound Doppler Detection Methods for Blood Flow Based on Reconfigurable Architectures’.

High Performance Computing.
In the high-performance computing line, work was carried out on research into computational architectures and efficient algorithms for the development of high-performance parallel and distributed systems in signal processing, image processing and real-time control applications. Work was carried out on scalable and reconfigurable high-performance computing systems that meet the requirements of real-time systems.

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Eduardo Moreno Hernandez, ICIMAF

Degree in Physics. Faculty of Physics. University of Havana. Thesis title:
‘Study of the Precipitation Kinetics in a 5% AL-Ge Alloy.’. 1970-1976.
Doctorate (Ph.D.) in the area of Physics. Place: Academy of Sciences of Cuba. Tutor: Dr.
Gustav Martincek, Slovak Academy of Sciences. Title of Thesis": Propagation of Mechanical Waves in
Propagation of Mechanical Waves in Flat Elements of Composite Materials’. 1994
Coin for the 30th Anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba for the result
‘Technology of PZT Ceramics’, awarded by the President of the Cuban Academy of Sciences.
of Cuba. This distinction was received from the President of the Councils of State and of Ministers of the Republic of Cuba.
of Ministers of the Republic of Cuba.
Diploma for Selected Outstanding Research Work in 1981 at the Cuban Academy of Sciences.
of Sciences of Cuba.
Certificate ‘Outstanding Scientific-Technical Result’ Ultrasonic Methods for Medical Diagnosis and Medical
Medical Diagnosis and Non Destructive Testing. Agency of Nuclear Energy and
Advanced Technologies Agency. CITMA 2002.


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How to Cite

Fuentes Cruz, M., Acevedo Contla, P., Garcia Nocetti, D. F., Durán Ortega, A. J., & Moreno Hernandez, E. (2025). Study of the frequency response of electrical impedance in radial mode in PZT-4 piezoelectric rings with fractures . Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 13(29), 50–59. RITI.13.29.005


