Hybrid teaching and digital transformation in education: integration of technology and methodology





Hybrid Teaching, Active Methodologies, Technological Tools


The research explores the integration of technology and methodology in hybrid teaching at the University of Guayaquil, evaluating the perceptions of students and the strategies employed. The objective is to analyze the implementation of this educational approach that combines in-person instruction and online learning experiences. A quantitative approach was adopted, collecting data through self-administered surveys from a sample of 350 students. A structured questionnaire was used to address aspects such as student perception, technological tools, teaching strategies, and overall satisfaction. Students had a positive perception about the integration of technology and methodology. The use of online learning platforms, videoconferencing tools, and multimedia resources was reported. Teachers employed active strategies, highlighting project-based and collaborative learning. The research supports the effective implementation of hybrid teaching at the University of Guayaquil, highlighting the importance of adequately integrating technology and methodology. Challenges were identified such as the digital divide, teacher training, instructional design, and the development of digital competencies.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Muñoz, G. F. (2024). Hybrid teaching and digital transformation in education: integration of technology and methodology. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 12(25), 48–55. https://doi.org/10.36825/RITI.12.25.005


