
  • María Guadalupe Vélez Vázquez Departamento de Ciencias Económico Administrativas, Universidad de Occidente, Unidad Guamúchil
  • Raúl Portillo Molina Universidad de Occidente, Unidad Guasave
  • Julio César Rodríguez Valdez Universidad de Occidente, Unidad Guasave



Commerce, Digital Marketing, Social Network, Promotion, Advertising and Companies


The research shows the use of digital marketing as a means of promotion and advertising used in companies in the City of Guamúchil, Salvador Alvarado, Sinaloa. The research in its first stage was exploratory, a tour of 880 companies was made to identify those who had this modern dissemination tool, only 82 were identified, for the second stage, the instrument was applied to the latter, using the method descriptive with a quantitative approach, the research techniques: the primary, consisted in convenience sampling; secondary schools were books and electronic journals. Based on the findings of companies that use digital marketing, the main social networks they use are Facebook with 86.6%, Instagram 14.6%, Web page 24.4%; according to the purpose of use, 51.2% for advertising of products and services, 31.7% to develop transactions with suppliers, only 12.2% communication with customers and for promotions 9.8%. However, having been located as a company that designs and implements a digital marketing plan, 67.1% of companies do not elaborate it. For 87.7% of entrepreneurs who use digital marketing have achieved their expectations of marketing their products and services, also, 85.4% consider this economic resource. 85.3% acknowledge that the Internet and social networks have attracted more customers and 90.2% achieved their expectations with the use of it. It is necessary that companies seek a successful digital presence in social networks, incorporate the activities and quality content of the company itself, which are of interest to the actual and potential customers themselves, this to maintain a direct and active communication with loyal customers and prospects.


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How to Cite

Vélez Vázquez, M. G., Portillo Molina, R., & Rodríguez Valdez, J. C. (2017). COMMERCE AND DIGITAL MARKETING AS WAY OF PROMOTION AND PUBLICITY IN THE COMPANIES OF THE CITY OF GUAMÚCHIL, SALVADOR ALVARADO, SINALOA, MEXICO . Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 5(10), 97–109.

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