Digital Economy, Technology, STEM Competencies, Labor Market, EducationAbstract
The technological advances have generated that the productive sectors demand the services and the attention of people highly qualified in diverse competitions, which implies that it is a priority for employers that workers improve and update their skills to achieve the objectives for which they are employed. In Sinaloa, workers face a technological scenario that calls them to develop a broad set of skills that would allow them to overcome the untimely labor gap in the digital age of the economy; but before the crisis of digital competences, the central question is: What are the present and future skills and competencies demanded by the productive sector in the Evora Region, Sinaloa, Mexico? and ¿what skills should the next generation of workers have to face the digital age of the economy?. In the opinion of the employers, the unproductiveness of young people between 18 and 23 years old is the result of the lack of opportunities in the labor market due to the lack of techno-social skills; however, adjusting to the skills required by the productive sector would allow them to open employment opportunities.
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