
  • Iván Humarán Nahed Centro de Valuación y Estudios Urbanos (CVEU), Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
  • Pedro Alfonso Aguilar Calderón Centro de Valuación y Estudios Urbanos (CVEU), Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
  • José Refugio Rojas López Centro de Valuación y Estudios Urbanos (CVEU), Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
  • Leila Villareal Dau Centro de Valuación y Estudios Urbanos (CVEU), Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa


Drone, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV


The technology of the DRONES, a tool of last generation for the real estate appraiser, which should be considered, at the moment of scheduling the professional update of this service provider; However, and from the professional experience of the authors in Professional Associations, when trying to formulate courses, seminars, workshops or similar, it is usual to resort to subjects that have already been studied, in the curriculum of their university education, that for the case of the professional appraiser, extends to postgraduate specialization, masters and doctorate; however, in a more strict sense, for a true update, it would be necessary to include contents that complement their disciplinary training, responding to a real modernization, in the aspect of incorporating the most advanced technologies to their professional performance. In this sense, talking about the application of the Drones, and their use in the professional performance of the real estate appraiser, it would be a true update of the professional, that is why we wanted to touch on this technology and its application in the scope of the real estate appraiser.


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How to Cite

Humarán Nahed, I., Aguilar Calderón, P. A., Rojas López, J. R., & Villareal Dau, L. (2019). DRONES TECHNOLOGY, REAL ESTATE APPRAISER TOOL. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 7(13), 117–125. Retrieved from https://riti.es/index.php/riti/article/view/130


