Teaching-learning software for spanish language literacy
Application, Technology, Education, LiteracyAbstract
This paper presents the design and development of an educational desk software that helps in the teaching and learning process of reading and writing in the Spanish language, is specially designed for children between 5 and 6 years of the third level of Kindergarten in basic education. The SEALE application (Teaching-Learning Software for Spanish Language Literacy) is a tool to support teachers in the teaching-learning process. The activities have been designed interactively, using multimedia resources and are based on literacy skills established in the 2011 Study Program provided by the SEP for Basic Education. Two types of users interact in the application: the teacher and the students. The teacher registers students and observes their progress, students perform each and every activity. SEALE evaluates using the correct answers. The tests were performed on 8 third level students (2 initial alphabetic, 4 syllabic-alphabetic and 2 syllabic), each student performed an activity once a day, twice a week for a month. The application does not allow a user to move on to the next activity until 100% of the points are achieved. The results showed that 3 students rose from the syllabic-alphabetic level to the alphabetic level and 1 from the syllabic level to the syllabic-alphabetic level. SEALE was very engaging to these children.
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