MAPAVERDE, educational tool for mobile devices on the Green Map methodology




Computer Application, Mobile Devices, Green Map, Environment, Methodology


Caring for and protecting the environment has become a pending issue for human beings. For years it has been projecting onto the planet the good and bad consequences of our development, and part of that development is reflected in new technologies, among which is the mobile phone. In the municipality of Consolación del Sur and from the Municipal University Center, work is being done on the project "Implementation of the Green Map Methodology in the management of environmental education in communities of Consolación del Sur" for the formation of an environmental culture for sustainable development creating awareness of the care and protection of the environment. The present work is given to solve the following problem: how to contribute in the construction of a computer application for the implementation of the Green Map methodology in the environmental management in the communities of Consolación del Sur for the development of the green maps of the communities of the Consolación del Sur municipality? The objective of this is to: Develop a computer application for mobile devices based on the Green Map methodology to educate future generations by raising awareness of the care and conservation of the environment. The methodologies, tools and technologies of software development to be used during the implementation to carry out the development of the application were studied. Finally, a system was obtained that responds to the stated objectives, allowing interaction with the user from any mobile device with the Android operating system.


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How to Cite

Medina Carbó , Y., Alonso Vázquez, Álvaro C., & Rodríguez García, R. M. (2020). MAPAVERDE, educational tool for mobile devices on the Green Map methodology. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 8(15), 70–84.


