Online flowchart compiler and interpreter for educational purposes
Web Application, Compilers and Interpreters, Software Development, Algorithm Teaching, Polya HeuristicsAbstract
This work deals with the development, fine-tuning and testing of an online flowchart compiler and interpreter. The development methodology takes as a frame of reference the software reengineering process model, in conjunction with the Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Method (OOHDM). The software product obtained is a web application for educational purposes that differs from other tools mainly in three aspects: supporting the Polya problem-solving heuristics, create flowcharts following the recommendations for graphic symbology of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and be freely available on the internet. The online compiler and interpreter fine-tuning ran on two web browsers that support modal dialog boxes, one for personal computers and one for mobile devices. In addition, compliance tests with the W3C standards, loading speed tests, and a user experience perception test were applied to 22 students of a preparatory course on algorithms. The results obtained in all the tests carried out are considered satisfactory and in accordance with the current context of the students.
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