Simulator for the evaluation of algorithms for the management of shared resources in distributed systems


  • David Luis la Red Martínez Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
  • Federico Agostini Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
  • Julio César Acosta Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
  • Stella Gerzel Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral
  • Leandro Latyn Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral



Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, Resource and Process Management, Resource and Process Management Algorithm Simulator, Decision Modeling


In distributed processing systems, especially when processes constitute collaborative groups, it is necessary that, when allocating resources to processes, decisions are made based on agreements regarding access to resources; decisions may be related to the performance of a certain activity that requires or not the synchronization of processes, requiring the use of shared resources in the mode of mutual exclusion. Thus, the following question arises: What are the decision models and aggregation operators that will have to be generated by incorporating the global cognitive perspective to the classical models to make more intelligent decision making in the management of resources and groups of processes taking into account self-regulation? How will the algorithms of the different decision models be implemented? How to validate the new proposed algorithms by comparing them with each other and with traditional algorithms? For this, it is necessary to have a simulator that implements the traditional and the new proposed algorithms and allows to observe their behavior and results under different types of workloads. Classical models are considered for accessing shared resources in the mutual exclusion mode using critical regions to the centralized algorithm, the distributed algorithm of Lamport, Ricart and Agrawala, the token ring algorithm, among others. A prototype simulator is presented to evaluate the performance of the proposed new decision models and aggregation operators against the main traditional models.


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How to Cite

la Red Martínez, D. L., Agostini, F., Acosta, J. C., Gerzel, S., & Latyn, L. (2022). Simulator for the evaluation of algorithms for the management of shared resources in distributed systems. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 10(20), 62–79.


