Conflict resolution in the metaverse from the perspective of private international law




Metaverse, Private International Law, Conflict Resolution, Digital Transactions


In recent years, the metaverse has experienced rapid growth as a space where people interact and engage in various activities, including digital commerce of goods and services. These activities pose significant legal challenges for Private International Law, particularly in cases of conflict, concerning issues of jurisdiction and conflicts of laws. This article analyzes these challenges, based on a thorough review of primary and secondary sources. The result of this analysis is that currently, Private International Law does not offer practical solutions to resolve conflicts arising from digital transactions in the metaverse before courts. The conclusion reached is that there is an urgent need for clear regulation that allows for quick and effective solutions, and that also promotes the stability and legal security of the parties in this emerging virtual space.


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How to Cite

Nava González, W. (2024). Conflict resolution in the metaverse from the perspective of private international law. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 12(25), 79–90.


