Competitive high-tech companies in the information technology industry




High Technology Companies, IT, Software, Competitive Development, Corporate Management


The article exposes a model of high-tech software companies in the global economy and their power to influence the digital transformation of various sectors. This model could be demonstrated through the growth of high technology companies (HTC) with a level of competitiveness on a global scale. The scientific task of determining the essential characteristics of a modern software HTC in the Information Technology (IT) industry is set. The article describes the key factors of efficiency and competitiveness of HTCs, emphasizing the importance of intellectual property and the highly qualified personnel that create it. In addition, the unique economy of HTC is highlighted, which seeks to increase technological income through the production and commercialization of technologically complex and unique products. The article concludes that the construction of high-tech companies is a process of constant adaptation to the changing factors of the external and internal environment and that the success of this type of companies depends on unique knowledge and experience.


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How to Cite

Pashchenko, D. (2023). Competitive high-tech companies in the information technology industry. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 11(24), 37–49.