Interaction between the use of and addiction to social media and mobile phones among university students


  • Fuensanta López Rosales Innovation and Evaluation in Health Psychology, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon
  • José Luis Jasso Medrano Center for Research in Nutrition and Public Health, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon



The objective of the present study is to analyze the main uses of social media among men and women, according to the daily hours of use and the addictive behavior to social media. A questionnaire of addiction to social media was applied to a sample of 466 participants. Of the total, 60.5% were women and 39.5% were men. Significant differences were reported in the linear model between the main uses and the addictive behavior and the hours of use. In addition, a significant relationship was found between the use, addiction to social media and to mobile phones in men and women. In conclusion, there are specific differences between the main uses with addictive behavior and the daily hours of use. Although the popularity of the use of social media increases significantly, the risk factors of unhealthy use also increase.


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How to Cite

López Rosales, F., & Jasso Medrano, J. L. (2019). Interaction between the use of and addiction to social media and mobile phones among university students. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 7(14), 76–88.