OpenStack: an alternative Infrastructure as a Service for institutions of higher education


  • Daniel García-Orozco Universidad Anáhuac Oaxaca



Cloud Computing, OpenStack, Open Source, IaaS, IES


This document presents the advantages of using a private cloud of Infrastructure as a Service, using the OpenStack technology for Institutions of Higher Education of the Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico in the state of Oaxaca. The analysis of the research results consulted in the academic databases such as: EBSCO, Latindex, Redalyc, Dialnet and Scielo, show the importance of cloud computing in higher education institutions, since this type of technology allows the use of a more efficient way of computing infrastructure existing in the institution and also the rapid implementation of new information systems, in addition to the private cloud through OpenStack, has advantages over other IaaS Open source technologies, such as : cost, documentation, ease of implementation, and services offered. OpenStack provides the possibilities of implementing private IaaS clouds in a distributed way, thus allowing collaborative work between higher education institutions in the country or abroad in favor of academic improvement.


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How to Cite

García-Orozco D. (2020). OpenStack: an alternative Infrastructure as a Service for institutions of higher education. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 8(15), 1–7.


