Model for correct use of face mask in real time using convolutional neural networks




Convolutional Neural Networks, Multiclass Classification, Face Mask Detection, TensorFlow, MobilNetV2


Since Covid-19 appeared, the world has entered into a new stage, in which everybody is trying to mitigate the effects of the virus. The mandatory use of face masks in public places and when maintaining contact with people outside the family circle is one of mandatory measures that many countries have implemented, such as Ecuador, thus, the purpose of this article is to develop a convolutional neural network model using TensorFlow based on MobileNetV2, that allows to perform mask detection in real time video with the key feature of determining if the person is using the face mask properly or if it is not wearing a mask, in order to use the model with OpenCV and a pretrained neural network that detects faces. In addition, the performance metrics of the neural network are analyzed, including precision, accuracy, recall and the F1 score. All performance metrics consider the number of epochs for the training process, obtaining as a result a model that classifies between three groups: faces without face mask, faces wearing a face mask improperly and faces wearing a mask properly. with a great performance in all metrics; The results show values greater than 85% for precision, recall and F1 score, and accuracy values between 93% for 5 epochs and 95% for 25 epochs.


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How to Cite

Andrade Carrera, H., Sinche Maita, S., & Hidalgo Lascano, P. (2021). Model for correct use of face mask in real time using convolutional neural networks. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 9(17 (Especial), 111–120.

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