Implementation of an IoT network with GPRS to monitor parameters in a vehicle in real time


  • Renato Cumbal Simba Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
  • Jean Carlos Buestán Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
  • Juan Carlos Domínguez Universidad Politécnica Salesiana





This Project seeks a new alternative to connect wireless networks with the Internet of Things (IoT), both for the collection of information, transmission and reception of data in real time, facilitating the visualization of them through a database and generating historical reports which contributes to the supervision of vehicles on the roads. When working with the acquired data, these are constantly updated since it usually tends to lose valuable information, therefore, it is necessary to consolidate connectivity through GSM in conjunction with GPRS technology to implement a prototype and explore the operation of LoRa. This prototype focuses on census the parameters of speed, temperature, water level and fuel level through virtual platforms that give evidence of the status of each sensor incorporated in the vehicle, therefore, this wireless network design seeks to find the drawbacks that are presented in a section of poor accessibility to cellular coverage.


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How to Cite

Cumbal Simba, R., Buestán, J. C., & Domínguez, J. C. (2021). Implementation of an IoT network with GPRS to monitor parameters in a vehicle in real time. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 9(17 (Especial), 66–76.