UHF multifunctional fractal microstrip antenna based on the Sierpinski carpet





The use of multifunctional devices increases day by day. Mentioned devices, as smart tv, need appropriate and unified antennas which can meet required frequencies. Therefore, in this paper, a Sierpinski carpet microstrip fractal antenna in the second iteration is designed and fabricated for Digital Tv in UHF band and wireless wideband networks. It was verified that that the design of a fractal antenna based on the Sierpinski carpet is possible from a rectangular patch on iteration 0; however, it must be taken into account that the patch design must be carried out at a specific resonance frequency. Simulation is carried out using ADS simulator, and it was verified using a vector network analyzer. The proposed fractal antenna operates in the UHF digital TV range from 470 MHz to 683 MHz and in the 2.45 GHz to 2.4835 GHz range of broadband wireless local area network.


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How to Cite

Lupera Morillo, P., Flores, G., & Montaluisa, A. (2021). UHF multifunctional fractal microstrip antenna based on the Sierpinski carpet . Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 9(17 (Especial), 4–16. https://doi.org/10.36825/RITI.09.17.002