Application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the food chain


  • Marta Mesías Universidad Complutense de Madrid / Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos y Nutrición (ICTAN-CSIC)
  • María Martínez Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), Food Chain, Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Packaging


The food chain is made up of the different stages that the product follows from its origin to its final destination: production, transformation, storage, distribution and consumption. Throughout the chain, the traceability of the food is key to alert of any potential danger, establishing comprehensive food safety, from the beginning to the end, “from farm to fork". The transformation that is taking place in society thanks to the most avant-garde information and communication technologies (ICTs), is also breaking into the food chain, constituting the food industry 4.0, which is available at the service of each link through intelligent systems that allow obtaining safer, higher quality products in less time. Each ICT will offer different development possibilities thanks to its particular characteristics, so that in each link the most appropriate technology will be selected to solve the specific problems posed. This work aims to carry out a review of all these avant-garde tools, describing how thanks to these disruptive technologies, the processes of the food chain are being transformed, increasing, at the same time, the safety and quality of the products obtained and evaluating the possible associated social repercussions.


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How to Cite

Mesías, M., & Martínez, M. (2021). Application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the food chain. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 9(19), 47–57.