Didactic-technological proposal for the study of the recorder in primary education





Recorder, ICT, Musical Education, Acoustic Comparison


Recorder is used as an instrument in Primary Education centers. The students have a weekly group session of 60 minutes, making it difficult to individualize learning due to the high relationship and the little time available. Students learn outside the center with the responsibility of advancing alone in their study. For this reason, a digital tool is proposed as a complement to the teaching-learning process of the instrument, which offers the possibility of listening, showing a score, recording and defining the mistakes made, both to the students and to the teacher. In this way, the students will have a guide in their study outside the educational field and, the teacher, feedback of the learning process of each individual. This proposal has been included in an educational context, evaluating the results with a Primary Education group, showing improvements in the teaching-learning process of the students. This lies in an optimization of the time used by the students in their study as well as for the teacher, at the beginning of the class knowing the mistakes they make. Thanks to these collected data, information unknown until now, changes the traditional teaching method of the recorder.


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How to Cite

Bravo Fuentes, P. (2022). Didactic-technological proposal for the study of the recorder in primary education. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 10(20), 95–106. https://doi.org/10.36825/RITI.10.20.008


