
  • Daniel Rentería Martínez Facultad de Informática Mazatlán, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
  • José Ángel Ureña Zavala Facultad de Informática Mazatlán, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
  • Alfredo Navarro Lizárraga Facultad de Informática Mazatlán, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
  • Juan Pablo Mora Hernández Facultad de Informática Mazatlán, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa



Social Networks, Higher Education , ICT, Educative Technology, E-Learning


The use of social networks is growing exponentially. In all areas, the aim is to implement this technology, due to its playful nature or as a means of communication. In the business world, small and large organizations try to implement them looking for competitive advantages. The most obvious benefits seem to be the communication and connectivity of social networks. Institutions of higher education in Mexico have not been able to implement this technology in a formal way to the plans and programs of study. But students and professors have reached this tool and part of the communication they maintain between them is through this means. The main objective of this study is to determine the use that higher education students make of social networks, if they consider them beneficial or not for their academic training. For its realization, a descriptive investigation was carried out; A survey was designed to collect data on higher education students from the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS) in the city of Mazatlan, Mexico. This study considered 90 subjects enrolled in eight UAS degrees, 41 women and 49 men; Among the most important results, there are 89 students who consider that they remain in social networks longer than they expected. 78 of the students have a smartphone, but only 41 use it for academic purposes. This study shows that university students do not make proper use of social networks and few use them for academic purposes.


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How to Cite

Rentería Martínez, D., Ureña Zavala, J. Ángel, Navarro Lizárraga, A., & Mora Hernández, J. P. (2016). USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN MEXICO. A STUDENT PERSPECTIVE. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 4(7), 1–5.


