
  • Pablo A. Aguilar Facultad de Derecho Mazatlán, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa



Contracts, Computing, Law, Legislation


Derived from the growth of Information Technology in the social environment and its incursion in all areas where humanity develops, this article analyzes the relationship between Law and Information Technology based on computer contracts which have been created to establish the terms of the subject matter of the contract itself as creator of faculties and obligations for the parties, with the objective of regulating the activities to which they committed themselves at the time of signature thereof, which in spite of not being specified as such in any legislation, the Civil Code of Sinaloa establishes that they will be regulated according to similar contracts established in it


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How to Cite

Aguilar, P. A. (2017). THE COMPUTER CONTRACTS. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 5(10), 133–137.