
  • Rafael Ruiz-Conejo Escuela de Informática Mazatlán, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
  • Jorge Buenabad-Chávez Departamento de Computación, CINVESTAV Zacatenco




Concurrent Programming, Tempo Visual, Declarative Languages


The concurrent programming facilitates the development of applications, dividing them into modules that interact with each other. To carry out the interaction between the modules, synchronization mechanisms are used, such as: traffic lights, barriers, messages, among others. These mechanisms are not easy to use in large or complex applications. To facilitate concurrent programming other mechanisms or languages ​​have been proposed. For example, Tempo, which is a declarative language that serves to facilitate the interaction between modules. But Tempo is not so easy to use, because sometimes it's a bit difficult to understand how it works. Tempo Visual (TV) is a Tempo model in graphic environment, which helps to develop concurrent applications in a simple way. With TV the programmer will not have to worry about understanding how the Tempo rules work. Only develop the sequential code of your application with the different processes (or threads) that will intervene during the execution of the same. Then, with TV, the programmer will mark with the mouse the parts of code that will be executed concurrently and thus obtain a concurrent application.


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Ruiz Conejo, R. Tempo Visual. Tesis de Maestría, Facultad de Informática Mazatlán, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México. 2004.

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How to Cite

Ruiz-Conejo, R., & Buenabad-Chávez, J. (2013). TEMPO VISUAL. Revista De Investigación En Tecnologías De La Información, 1(1), 18–22. https://doi.org/10.36825/RITI.01.01.004


