Retención de información con el uso de ChatGPT 3.5 en estudiantes universitarios
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Inteligencia Artificial, ChatGPT, Educación, Retención de Información, Estudiantes UniversitariosResumen
Esta investigación evaluó el uso de Inteligencia Artificial en la retención de información en estudiantes universitarios. Se empleó un diseño cuasi experimental con una muestra de cincuenta estudiantes universitarios a los cuales se les pidió que investigaran sobre un tema y respondieran un cuestionario. Los participantes fueron divididos en un grupo control, que utilizó internet para resolver la tarea, y un grupo experimental, que empleó exclusivamente un chatbot de inteligencia artificial (ChatGPT 3.5). Para garantizar la homogeneidad en la capacidad atencional al inicio de la prueba se aplicó un test atencional al inicio de la prueba. Posteriormente, se evaluó la retención de información mediante un examen de conocimiento, inmediatamente después de la tarea y luego una vez más después de una semana. Los resultados indicaron que el grupo control obtuvo puntuaciones significativamente superiores, lo que sugiere una menor efectividad de ChatGPT en la retención de información a corto y mediano plazo, en comparación con otros métodos de investigación.
Wang, X., Liu, Q., Pang, H., Tan, S. C., Lei, J., Wallace, Wallace, M. P., Li, L. (2023). What matters in AI-supported learning: A study of human-AI interactions in language learning using cluster analysis and epistemic network analysis. Computers & Education, 194.
Kolade, O., Owoseni, A., Egbetokun, A. (2024). Is AI changing learning and assessment as we know it? Evidence from a ChatGPT experiment and a conceptual framework. Heliyon, 10 (4), 1-21.
Sharples, M. (2022). Automated Essay Writing: An AIED Opinion. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 32 (4), 1119-1126.
Grassini, S. (2023). Shaping the Future of Education: Exploring the Potential and Consequences of AI and ChatGPT in Educational Settings. Education Sciences, 13 (7), 1-13.
Rahman, M. M., Watanobe, Y. (2023). ChatGPT for Education and Research: Opportunities, Threats, and Strategies. Applied Sciences, 13 (9), 1-21.
Wu, R., Yu, Z. (2023). Do AI chatbots improve students’ learning outcomes? Evidence from a meta‐ analysis. British Journal of Educational Technology, 55 (1), 10-33.
Baron, N. S. (2021). Know what? How digital technologies undermine learning and remembering. Journal of Pragmatics, 175, 27-37.
Ahmad, S. F., Han, H., Alam, M. M., Rehmat, M. K., Irshad, M., Arraño-Muñoz, M., Ariza-Montes, A. (2023). Impact of artificial intelligence on human loss in decision making, laziness and safety in education. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 10 (1), 1-14.
An Ngo, T. T. (2023). The Perception by University Students of the Use of ChatGPT in Education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 18 (17), 4-19.
Kohnke, L., Moorhouse, B. L., Zou, D. (2023). ChatGPT for Language Teaching and Learning. RELC Journal, 54 (2), 537-550.
Salomon, G. (1983). The differential investment of mental effort in learning from different sources. Educational Psychologist, 18 (1), 42-50.
Baidoo-Anu, D., Owusu Ansah, L. (2023). Education in the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI): Understanding the Potential Benefits of ChatGPT in Promoting Teaching and Learning. Journal of AI, 7 (1), 52-62.
Busker, T., Choenni, S., Shoae Bargh, M. (2023). Stereotypes in ChatGPT: an empirical study. 16th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Belo Horizonte Brazil.
Tanvir, K., Islam, M. S., Sezan, S. B. K., Sanad, Z. A., Ataur, A. I. (2023). Impact of ChatGPT on Academic Performance among Bangladeshi Undergraduate Students. International Journal of Research in Science & Engineering (IJRISE), 3 (5), 18-28.
Mogavi, R. H., Deng, C., Kim, J. J., Zhou, P., Kwon, Y. D., Metwally, A. H. S., Tlili, A., Bassanelli, S., Bucchiarone, A., Gujar, S., Nacke, L. E., Hui, P. (2024). ChatGPT in education: A blessing or a curse? A qualitative study exploring early adopters’ utilization and perceptions. Computers In Human Behavior Artificial Humans, 2 (1), 1-20.
Gadzella, B. M., Baloglu, M. (2003). High and Low Achieving Education Students on Processing, Retaining, and Retrieval of Information. Journal Of Instructional Psychology, 30 (2), 99-103.
Larsen, D. (2018). Planning Education for Long-Term Retention: The Cognitive Science and Implementation of Retrieval Practice. Seminars In Neurology, 38 (04), 449-456.
Jiménez-Díaz, A. C. (2020). La inteligencia artificial en las creaciones artísticas digitales: hacia una cuarta generación de literatura electrónica?. Congreso Internacional Humanidades Digitales, México.
Xu, R. R, Feng, Y., Chen, H. (2023). ChatGPT vs. Google: A Comparative Study of Search Performance and User Experience. Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 1-31.
Wolan-Nieroda, A., Dudziak, J., Drużbicki, M., Pniak, B., Guzik, A. (2020). Effect of Dog-Assisted Therapy on Psychomotor Development of Children with Intellectual Disability. Children, 8 (1), 1-18.
Metodorf. (2024). Bourdon test Online.
Syed, A. J., Anderson, J. C. (2021). Applications of bioluminescence in biotechnology and beyond. Chemical Society Reviews, 50 (9), 5668-5705.
Kuruc, J., Senka, J., Čečer, M. (1992). Bourdonova skúška BoPr-test. Psychodiagnostika.
Díaz Vera, J. P., Molina Izurieta, R., Bayas Jaramillo, C. M., Ruiz Ramírez, A. K. (2024). Asistencia de la inteligencia artificial generativa como herramienta pedagógica en la educación superior. Revista de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información (RITI), 12 (26), 61-76.
Morán-Ortega, S., Ruiz-Tirado, S., Simental-López, L., Tirado-López, A. (2024). Barreras de la Inteligencia Artificial generativa en estudiantes de educación superior. Percepción docente. Revista de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información, 12 (25), 26-37.
Vinod Vydiswaran, V. G., Zhai, C., Roth, D., Pirolli, P. (2015). Overcoming bias to learn about controversial topics. Journal Of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66 (8), 1655-1672.
Lawless, K. A., Schrader, P. G., Mayall, H. J. (2007). Acquisition of Information Online: Knowledge, Navigation and Learning Outcomes. Journal Of Literacy Research, 39 (3), 289-306.
Jones, T. (1989). Incidental learning during information retrieval: A hypertext experiment. En H. Maurer (Ed.) Computer Assisted Learning (pp. 235-253).
Tayan, O., Hassan, A., Khankan, K., Askool, S. (2024). Considerations for Adapting Higher Education Technology Courses for AI Large Language Models: A Critical Review of the Impact of ChatGPT. Machine Learning with Applications, 15, 1-17.
Dehouche, N. (2021). Plagiarism in the age of massive Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT-3). Ethics In Science and Environmental Politics, 21, 17-23.
García Sánchez, O. V. (2023). Uso y percepción de ChatGPT en la educación superior. Revista de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información (RITI), 11 (23), 98-107.
Flynn, B. B., Sakakibara, S., Schroeder, R. G., Bates, K. A., Flynn, E. J. (1990). Empirical research methods in operations management. Journal of Operations Management, 9 (2), 250-284.
Wang, X., Liu, Q., Pang, H., Tan, S. C., Lei, J., Wallace, Wallace, M. P., Li, L. (2023). What matters in AI-supported learning: A study of human-AI interactions in language learning using cluster analysis and epistemic network analysis. Computers & Education, 194.
Kolade, O., Owoseni, A., Egbetokun, A. (2024). Is AI changing learning and assessment as we know it? Evidence from a ChatGPT experiment and a conceptual framework. Heliyon, 10 (4), 1-21.
Sharples, M. (2022). Automated Essay Writing: An AIED Opinion. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 32 (4), 1119-1126.
Grassini, S. (2023). Shaping the Future of Education: Exploring the Potential and Consequences of AI and ChatGPT in Educational Settings. Education Sciences, 13 (7), 1-13.
Rahman, M. M., Watanobe, Y. (2023). ChatGPT for Education and Research: Opportunities, Threats, and Strategies. Applied Sciences, 13 (9), 1-21.
Wu, R., Yu, Z. (2023). Do AI chatbots improve students’ learning outcomes? Evidence from a meta‐ analysis. British Journal of Educational Technology, 55 (1), 10-33.
Baron, N. S. (2021). Know what? How digital technologies undermine learning and remembering. Journal of Pragmatics, 175, 27-37.
Ahmad, S. F., Han, H., Alam, M. M., Rehmat, M. K., Irshad, M., Arraño-Muñoz, M., Ariza-Montes, A. (2023). Impact of artificial intelligence on human loss in decision making, laziness and safety in education. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 10 (1), 1-14.
An Ngo, T. T. (2023). The Perception by University Students of the Use of ChatGPT in Education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 18 (17), 4-19.
Kohnke, L., Moorhouse, B. L., Zou, D. (2023). ChatGPT for Language Teaching and Learning. RELC Journal, 54 (2), 537-550.
Salomon, G. (1983). The differential investment of mental effort in learning from different sources. Educational Psychologist, 18 (1), 42-50.
Baidoo-Anu, D., Owusu Ansah, L. (2023). Education in the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI): Understanding the Potential Benefits of ChatGPT in Promoting Teaching and Learning. Journal of AI, 7 (1), 52-62.
Busker, T., Choenni, S., Shoae Bargh, M. (2023). Stereotypes in ChatGPT: an empirical study. 16th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Belo Horizonte Brazil.
Tanvir, K., Islam, M. S., Sezan, S. B. K., Sanad, Z. A., Ataur, A. I. (2023). Impact of ChatGPT on Academic Performance among Bangladeshi Undergraduate Students. International Journal of Research in Science & Engineering (IJRISE), 3 (5), 18-28.
Mogavi, R. H., Deng, C., Kim, J. J., Zhou, P., Kwon, Y. D., Metwally, A. H. S., Tlili, A., Bassanelli, S., Bucchiarone, A., Gujar, S., Nacke, L. E., Hui, P. (2024). ChatGPT in education: A blessing or a curse? A qualitative study exploring early adopters’ utilization and perceptions. Computers In Human Behavior Artificial Humans, 2 (1), 1-20.
Gadzella, B. M., Baloglu, M. (2003). High and Low Achieving Education Students on Processing, Retaining, and Retrieval of Information. Journal Of Instructional Psychology, 30 (2), 99-103.
Larsen, D. (2018). Planning Education for Long-Term Retention: The Cognitive Science and Implementation of Retrieval Practice. Seminars In Neurology, 38 (04), 449-456.
Jiménez-Díaz, A. C. (2020). La inteligencia artificial en las creaciones artísticas digitales: hacia una cuarta generación de literatura electrónica?. Congreso Internacional Humanidades Digitales, México.
Xu, R. R, Feng, Y., Chen, H. (2023). ChatGPT vs. Google: A Comparative Study of Search Performance and User Experience. Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 1-31.
Wolan-Nieroda, A., Dudziak, J., Drużbicki, M., Pniak, B., Guzik, A. (2020). Effect of Dog-Assisted Therapy on Psychomotor Development of Children with Intellectual Disability. Children, 8 (1), 1-18.
Metodorf. (2024). Bourdon test Online.
Syed, A. J., Anderson, J. C. (2021). Applications of bioluminescence in biotechnology and beyond. Chemical Society Reviews, 50 (9), 5668-5705.
Kuruc, J., Senka, J., Čečer, M. (1992). Bourdonova skúška BoPr-test. Psychodiagnostika.
Díaz Vera, J. P., Molina Izurieta, R., Bayas Jaramillo, C. M., Ruiz Ramírez, A. K. (2024). Asistencia de la inteligencia artificial generativa como herramienta pedagógica en la educación superior. Revista de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información (RITI), 12 (26), 61-76.
Morán-Ortega, S., Ruiz-Tirado, S., Simental-López, L., Tirado-López, A. (2024). Barreras de la Inteligencia Artificial generativa en estudiantes de educación superior. Percepción docente. Revista de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información, 12 (25), 26-37.
Vinod Vydiswaran, V. G., Zhai, C., Roth, D., Pirolli, P. (2015). Overcoming bias to learn about controversial topics. Journal Of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66 (8), 1655-1672.
Lawless, K. A., Schrader, P. G., Mayall, H. J. (2007). Acquisition of Information Online: Knowledge, Navigation and Learning Outcomes. Journal Of Literacy Research, 39 (3), 289-306.
Jones, T. (1989). Incidental learning during information retrieval: A hypertext experiment. En H. Maurer (Ed.) Computer Assisted Learning (pp. 235-253).
Tayan, O., Hassan, A., Khankan, K., Askool, S. (2024). Considerations for Adapting Higher Education Technology Courses for AI Large Language Models: A Critical Review of the Impact of ChatGPT. Machine Learning with Applications, 15, 1-17.
Dehouche, N. (2021). Plagiarism in the age of massive Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT-3). Ethics In Science and Environmental Politics, 21, 17-23.
García Sánchez, O. V. (2023). Uso y percepción de ChatGPT en la educación superior. Revista de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información (RITI), 11 (23), 98-107.
Flynn, B. B., Sakakibara, S., Schroeder, R. G., Bates, K. A., Flynn, E. J. (1990). Empirical research methods in operations management. Journal of Operations Management, 9 (2), 250-284.
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